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Com port cable

M3EMB wrote:

I hope this is not a silly question – it might me but I will ask anyway, the 9 pin cable that goes to your tuner in my case the Sony ST SB920 how is that cable coming from the tuner!
with the top cover off on should one make a hole in the tuner for this cable to ones pc.
If one was to fit a 9 pin socket what are the back of those pins colours and pin numbers, this way a much better looking job could be made and no need to cut one end of a com port cable, what have you done regarding this hook up, lid off or on or socket and plug in!. Mike M3EMB.

admin wrote:

It's enough to connect only two wires on the connector: ground (5) and TxD (2). All other pins can be left floating. Use female connector on the receiver's rear panel. Use standard direct RS232 cable (modem cable, not null-modem nor laplink). However there must be the converting circuit built in the receiver.

M3EMB wrote:

thank you ADMIN I have that info not sure what you mean by Converting Circuit please explain fuller. M3EMB.

admin wrote:

For connection options available and detailed requirements necessary please follow the pdf manual included in the application zip file. In short, you cannot connect the Clock and Data directly to serial port as you know it from DOS applications or Esslinger.

DaveB wrote:

I recently built the 'converting circuit' for my Sony ST920 tuner and fed it into an RS232 to USB adapter that uses the FTDI Chipset with good success.

I built the circuit on a piece of stripboard. I used BC549 transistors and used the standard bi-polar NE555 Chip but no other changes to the circuit given (current used 4.26mA). Power was taken from pin 5 of the RDS chip which is 5.4 volts. To get the signal out of the tuner I used 3.5mm stereo jack socket mounted in an existing hole in the base of the tuner chassis which is near the front of the tuner right in the middle. A stiff wire connected the small circuit board to the jack sockets and holds the small circuit board in place. A right angled stereo jack plug JUST fits in the gap made by the feet. Then a short length of shielded cable to an RS232 9-pin socket to mate with the adapter.

I found a small problem – when RDSSpy is running the RS232 convertor generates radio noise. It is temporarily wrapped in tinfoil which is earthed to the tuner to cure the problem and will shortly be remounted in a small metal box to shield it permanently.

I had previously been using the soundcard interface – with inverted signal. That is now free to take audio for recording any Dx