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Super Pi Detector is greyed out
Quote from Guest on 26. 6. 2019, 22:17
Hi - In Options > General - the option to turn on Super Pi Detector isn't possible. The option is greyed out. Screenshot attached. Can anyone shed any light on why this is? Thanks.

Hi - In Options > General - the option to turn on Super Pi Detector isn't possible. The option is greyed out. Screenshot attached. Can anyone shed any light on why this is? Thanks.

Quote from Guest on 26. 6. 2019, 23:12
Actually I suspect it's because I'm using RDSOutput in SDR Sharp?
Actually I suspect it's because I'm using RDSOutput in SDR Sharp?
(@admin)3 PostsRDS Spy forum members
Quote from admin on 30. 10. 2019, 20:01
The super PI detector is only available in modes where the RDS Spy has direct access to the RDS signal or to raw (unsynchronized) RDS stream. In other modes the box is grayed.
The super PI detector is only available in modes where the RDS Spy has direct access to the RDS signal or to raw (unsynchronized) RDS stream. In other modes the box is grayed.