RDS Data Sources

Several RDS data sources are provided for live RDS decoding:

  • Sound card – Direct MPX or RDS input – The RDS or MPX signal is fed directly to the sound card input. The sound card must support 192 kHz sampling rate for recording. Virtual Audio Cable (VAC) is accepted as well, for decoding RDS from SDR receivers.
  • ASCII G Protocol – RDS Decoder / FM Analyzer – The measuring equipment (for example the P275) is connected either via RS232/USB or Ethernet.
  • ASCII G Protocol – RDS Encoder – RDS encoder with direct output monitoring feature (for example the P164 RDS Encoder), connected either via RS232/USB or Ethernet.
  • (No source) – The software provides playback features only. Supported file formats are SPY, WAV, SMP and some others.

Obsolete RDS data sources (still supported):

  • Serial COM Port – Data and Clock – Data and Clock signals must be converted using a simple circuit. This ensures compatibility with all RS232 ports and USB to RS232 adapters.
  • Sound card – Data and Clock – The Data and Clock signals are fed to your sound card’s recording line input.
  • Sound card – RDS Encoder – For old RDS encoder’s output data analysis. The RDS encoder output is fed to the sound card through a simple half-wave rectifier circuit.

For more details download the pdf manual.

Recommended Minimum Configuration

The application works well also on very old PC’s, we however recommend at least following configuration:

  • CPU 1 GHz
  • 256 MB of free RAM
  • Screen resolution 1366×768 @ 32-bit colors
  • Windows XP or higher

Some plugins may have individual hardware and software requirements.


The installation in a few steps:

  • Download and run the installation exe file.
  • Select the setup language and finish the installation using Next button.
  • Run the RDS Spy and select the RDS source.
  • Arrange the workspace as required and save your settings using menu item File – Save Workspace.
  • You are done!