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david visser wrote:


Working RDSDX fine here on COM 1 but not RDSSPY.

Reason probably: pin settings are different;in RDSDX pin 9 =data,pin 6 is clock and 5 is ground

In RDSSPY pin 2 and 5 are used.

Is it possible in future versions to have a choose menu for this problem ?

BTW RDSSPY working fine on mike with RDS Manager Conrad

David Visser

admin wrote:

Unfortunately RDS Spy will never work with Data and Clock directly on COM port. This solution is not compatible with modern hardware and operating systems and it's expected to be useless in future. For this reason there's a converter circuit required as showed in the pdf manual, incl. the reasons why to use it. For anybody who wants simple connect and go solution the sound card input is provided.
You may feed the Clock and Data to both the COM port and sound card so you may use both decoding software, also at the same time.