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Jan Vlcinsky wrote: Hi all I was really pleased to see, that XML Spy is able to consume even a bit different format of files: and replay them. I was searching a bit for an option to pause the replay, and found, I shall use the replay speed glider moved to the left to stop it, this is fine. I am aware of the fact, that the time, mentioned in the file, is not accepted, instead current one is used. As my sample of RDS data spans few days, I wanted to jump somewhere forward to see the time, when I knew there are some problems with quality of reception. However, this option does not exists (or I did not succeed finding it). My proposal for implementation of jumping into specific time in record is as follows: Jan Vlcinsky wrote: Hi all I was really pleased to see, that XML Spy is able to consume even a bit different format of files: and replay them. I was searching a bit for an option to pause the replay, and found, I shall use the replay speed glider moved to the left to stop it, this is fine. I am aware of the fact, that the time, mentioned in the file, is not accepted, instead current one is used. As my sample of RDS data spans few days, I wanted to jump somewhere forward to see the time, when I knew there are some problems with quality of reception. However, this option does not exists (or I did not succeed finding it). My proposal for implementation of jumping into specific time in record is as follows: admin wrote: Dear colleague, this will be implemented in full range, I understand the reasons well admin wrote: Dear colleague, this will be implemented in full range, I understand the reasons well Fast forward option
# Tuning [96.5 MHz FM]
00000000E15A0200;00;60;96.5 MHz;14.12.11 10:23:52
321C014FE15A0057;00;60;96.5 MHz;14.12.11 10:23:52
321C214D20202020;00;60;96.5 MHz;14.12.11 10:23:52
321C214E20202020;00;60;96.5 MHz;14.12.11 10:23:52
321C814849910015;00;60;96.5 MHz;14.12.11 10:23:52
321C814849910015;00;60;96.5 MHz;14.12.11 10:23:52
# Tuning [96.5 MHz FM]
00000000E15A0200;00;60;96.5 MHz;14.12.11 10:23:52
321C014FE15A0057;00;60;96.5 MHz;14.12.11 10:23:52
321C214D20202020;00;60;96.5 MHz;14.12.11 10:23:52
321C214E20202020;00;60;96.5 MHz;14.12.11 10:23:52
321C814849910015;00;60;96.5 MHz;14.12.11 10:23:52
321C814849910015;00;60;96.5 MHz;14.12.11 10:23:52
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I'll contact you via email shortly…