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File Play Stream Feature
Old Forum
(@post)240 PostsRDS Spy forum members
Quote from Old Forum on 5. 11. 2018, 22:50
Hi RDS Spy developers
First of all many thanks for your excellent software.
I have a question:
What is the File -> Play Stream feature for? could it be used to interface SDRSharp to RDSSpy over a TCP socket?
Hi RDS Spy developers
First of all many thanks for your excellent software.
I have a question:
What is the File -> Play Stream feature for? could it be used to interface SDRSharp to RDSSpy over a TCP socket?
Topic Author
Old Forum
(@post)240 PostsRDS Spy forum members
Quote from Old Forum on 5. 11. 2018, 22:50
admin wrote:
The RDS Spy can play TCP/IP streams whose structure complies with "RDS Spy Files Specification" or "P75/P175 protocol" as given in the manual.
admin wrote:
The RDS Spy can play TCP/IP streams whose structure complies with "RDS Spy Files Specification" or "P75/P175 protocol" as given in the manual.