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Windows 8

G4FBZ wrote:

I am trying Windows 8 developers version as released by Microsoft. Having a problem with all versions of RDS SPY.
The program works fine with Windows 8 till you come to shut it down. An error messgae is then created: Access Violation at address xxxxxxxxxx in Module ntdll.dll. The only way to close the program is via the task manager. The the program says its not respionding before closing down.
Will there be a fix for this?

William Kitching.

furrytummy wrote:

I've noticed the same issue with Windows 8.1, and no matter what compatibility mose I try to use I get the same error on shutdown.


admin wrote:

Could you try it with all plugins removed from the plugin folder?

furrytummy wrote:

I removed the two plugins:


…and RDS Spy closed with no problems. Basic.dll added also allowed the app to close fine, but the grpcont.dll put back in plugins surfaces the error message.

admin wrote:

Finally the problem was found in the grpconts.dll plugin. It uses RichEdit component for listings which causes the application crash on exit. Fix is on the way…

furrytummy wrote:

Great news! If you need any more diagnosis assistance, please ask – I'm very happy to help.

admin wrote:

It should be finally fixed in actual version 1.02 rev. 3.